Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Winning and Not Winning

We had a great birthday weekend. The Boy turned 1 year old. Lots of noisy toys, noisy folks, it was great. The Boy didn't really enjoy his birthday cake the way everyone was hoping, but he was cute and that's really the important thing.
To answer the question everyone is asking: No, we had neither cake nor ice cream before, during or after the party. It was a bit of a temptation, but not a struggle. Having fruit instead is a viable alternative. Sweet, satisfying, and no crushing headache afterward.
Speaking of headaches, I'm having fewer and fewer. That's a very nice change. The scale is slowly changing, but I'll gladly exchange six-pack abs for no migraines.
Remember, the goal here is Radiant Health, not a Men's Health magazine photo shoot.
But now, it is time for true confessions:
I am not exercising two hours a day, every day. I do get at least 45 minutes a day of very intense training, sometimes I'll push it and go for a whole hour. I know two hours was the Lalanne Standard. But I am just not there yet physically. Besides not being able to keep up physically, I do not know where I would get the extra hour to train, have a job, see my wife and play with my kid, and sleep. I'm not saying it's impossible, just currently out of reach.
And I'm not sure two hours a day every day is really a worthy goal.
Maybe I'm selling myself short, maybe I'm compromising and taking the weenie way out. Something to think about.

Have fun,

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