I'm glad Denise is feeling great. Really. No, really, I am. She's been getting more and more energy as the week rolled on. Good for her.
I'm tired and not just a little bit cranky. Quite the opposite of how I was expecting to feel.
I was hoping for, "I feel AMAZING this week, like I could conquer the WORLD!!" And we've eaten so stinking healthy this week even I want to roll my eyes and backhand slap us.
Instead, the folks at work are asking me why I look so sleepy. Getting healthy must make you look like poop. And it makes you tired. Eating beans everyday also makes for some wonderful gas, something most vegetarians probably won't tell you. Maybe that's why Hippies smell funny?
Food wise: I have turned down a great deal of food that normally I would have inhaled this week.
I had a corporate meeting Wednesday with a wonderfully catered lunch. Everyone knows I love coffee, which is why everyone was bringing over the coffee brownie bars for me to eat. "Here, these are great, You'll love them. They have coffee!" But no, I turned them down. Everyone, including myself, looked confused.
The very next day there was a birthday. The food looked and smelled great. Evidently it was much better fare than the last few birthday meals (we have them quite often) because most people were commenting on how great the food was compared to the last few birthday meals.
Me? I splurged and put some of the 7 layer salad on my homemade spinach salad with black bean salsa. Did I mention it was my turn to bring Desserts? I bought and brought everything at Wal-mart with Paula Dean's picture on it. Again, loved by everyone, but me.
Do I sound bitter? I guess I do. I'm not.
No, really, I'm not. I have greatly enjoyed not feeling stuffed and miserable at these big dinners, which is usually the case. I have enjoyed feeling in control when presented with a huge table of yummy food, which is usually not the case. That has been very good.
Exercising everyday this week has also been good. Mostly. The exercise is good, Bootcamp at Cornerstone is great. (Thanks Lori!) Getting up every morning before 5am hurts though. Especially when you sleep as poorly as I have this week. I could blame The Boy earlier in the week, but not the last few nights. I was hoping a cleaner diet and regular grueling exercise would help me sleep at night. So far, not so much. And that's most of my problem, I'm just pooped. Pooped and gassy. Yay being healthy!!
So these first few steps on our journey have been a mixed bag of good and bad for me. The weekend will be tough, but tonight we went out and had sushi. Much healthier than freezer pizza, and tastier too.
Onward and upward,
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