Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Murdering Shakespeare

It's always my turn to write on the days I don't feel good.
I should have penned a quick note Tuesday morning or early afternoon. I felt great. Better than I had felt in...quite some time. Monday night was one of the first nights when I slept completely through the night in many months. Normally I wake up due to the need to go potty, back/leg pain, a crying baby, or crying dog. So I'm sure that had something to do with my vim and vigor.
Unfortunately I pooped out of energy in the evening and never got it back. Tired all day today, lackluster workout this morning.
And yes, I think I am eating enough. I'm not quite hitting 100 grams of protein a day, but I get well over 60-70 grams. We make sure to mix our amino acids to get complete protein in our vegetarian meals. It's way too early to develop anemia, so that ain't it. Denise thinks I am having withdrawal symptoms from sugar. There may be something to that. Jack Lalanne would probably agree.

To sleep, or not to sleep. That is the question.
Whether t'is better in the gym to suffer and take up arms in a grueling workout and by opposing the fat cells, to end them? Or to sleep, perchance to dream?
Aye, there's the rub.
Because we live with a baby transitioning to toddlerhood, we will never again get "enough" sleep. Waiting for that magic 8 hours of sleep a night in order to hit the gym is a wonderful way to sabotage your training before it even starts.
But I also know that if I stay too sleepy, I'll drive my stress hormones up and sabotage my training and weight loss.
We are trying to make some changes so that I can get some more sleep. It will get better.
The irony is I'm staying up late writing a blog entry about how I need to get more sleep.

Going to bed,

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