While getting ready to go to the gym this morning I heard the report on the news that Jack had died. I was oddly stunned. I say oddly, for it should be no shock that a 96 year old man should pass from pneumonia. However, I really thought Jack would make it till at least 100, maybe 120.
I am quite sad to lose one of my heroes.
I first was introduced to Jack Lalanne through his Power Juicer Infomercial (which we own and use). I watched some old clips of his show on the web, read through the list of his incredible birthday feats and I was hooked. Here was a living superhero that could pull off seemingly impossible feats, not through trickery, just muscle and cajones. I was inspired. Still am.
Heroes should inspire us to reach beyond our self imposed limits. Grow, expand, and in the best tradition of the US Army: Be all that you can be.
I had planned to write to Jack Lalanne, tell him about our experiment, our little blog. I had dreamed that I would be able to interview him. It would have been great. I would have just shut up and let him roll. He’d been doing that for over 30 years across the country on his own TV show. My TV show was only on for three years on a cable access channel in one city. I figured Jack could handle the interview better without me. It would have been fun.
So it was with renewed purpose that I beat my brains out at the gym this morning, cranking out 5o pullups and 5 handstand pushups. I happily ate my fruits and veggies. And tonight, I'll raise a big glass of freshly juiced carrots and apples in remembrance to my Hero, Jack Lalanne.
I thought of you when I saw that. I am sorry to hear it myself. :(